Our Location

A Strategic Advantage

Our strategic location means that if a plug gets pulled at your primary site, we’ll instantly be up and running. Chances are, users won’t even notice any downtime. With a dark fiber connection to the primary data center linking us, we can be synced for instantaneous data continuity. Our location makes us a safe enough distance from all major threats that could render your primary site useless. At the same time, close enough to offer unrivaled speed in getting online. The question is, when you report to your CEO about the downtime, would you prefer to state that you were down for a millisecond, 45 minutes, or longer?

secure offices part of disaster recovery protocal

Our Facilities

Relocate key personnel

We have dedicated offices, common spaces and conference amenities, as well as more dynamic hoteling offices that can be used throughout a DR protocol to relocate key operational staff. This means the employees who need to be right in the heart of the situation to work with the data can directly manage and tap into the resources immediately at their fingertips.


Disaster Recovery Solutions

Have you considered the implications of human and natural disasters for your organization?

You’ll realise that you can’t afford to lose high value data or be down for longer than your business can handle. Knowing this, a secondary data center to ensure you don’t lose even seconds may be a necessity. For a reliable data continuity service, our data center is fully fault tolerant with 100% uptime since inception. Meaning you can trust your disaster recovery solution to always work when it’s colocated with us.

Johnny Greene @ Millennium Physicians

"When they give you their word they back it up. Everything you need... is here. They do things completely different than other data centers"


Have you considered the impact of an IT disaster on your organization?

You’ll realise that you can’t afford to lose high value data or be down for longer than your business can handle. Knowing this, a secondary data center to ensure you don’t lose even seconds may be a necessity. For a reliable data continuity service, our data center is fully fault tolerant with 100% uptime since inception. Meaning you can trust your disaster recovery solution to always work when it’s colocated with us.

How To

Create a Disaster Recovery Strategy

The very first part of creating an effective disaster recovery plan is to define what the needs and expectations of your organisation are. By this, we have to understand the core business risk posed by an outage.

  • Are lives at risk because your system is offline? 
  • What level of outage can your infrastructure withstand? 
  • How much revenue is lost?

Ensuring these questions are answered is how to create a strategy that meets your organisation’s needs. However, the needs of an organisation, from a purely functional standpoint, are often separate from what is expected. These expectations are defined by company leadership and the people who use the service.

When deciding on your company’s business continuity plan, if the expectations are higher than the needs and there is an outage, you have a personal credibility risk but not a core business risk. This can often lead to an unwanted desire to change how the IT department works, forcing additional spending and a constant state of change. If the expectations are lower than the needs, you potentially have leadership that won’t want to pay for their actual needs to be met.

Again, there is a personal credibility risk here, in addition to a real business risk. If there is an outage and you have failed to create a disaster recovery plan that covers your core business needs, there could be serious damage caused.

Outages are inevitable, what would you like the credibility of your IT department to be post outage?

customer trust graph after disaster recovery

In many ways, disaster recovery can fall within business continuity. Business continuity is about retaining the full functioning of the business throughout disasters, there is a large scope to this strategy. Utilizing a synchronous dark fiber connection, our data center can provide an instantaneous switchover from a primary site in Houston, meaning that business operations remain functional.

When an organization gets hit by downtime after a disaster, disaster recovery is how they get back to operations and normal IT infrastructure. Alongside the data, this means they also need to get access back to software, hardware, networking equipment, connectivity and power. Unfortunately, often the causes of losing access to these resources in the first place will also render the facilities where those resources are sourced unusable, meaning a secondary datacenter is needed to ensure data safety. There are two main forms of disaster recovery services: one based in the Cloud, where all your data is backed up within cloud servers; the other form is having your data backed up at a secondary site in a far off location. Both of these approaches are classed as Cold Site and can take days to initiate a complete recovery.

This strategy provides continuity of data, but not operations. Expect to be down until your primary site is recovered, but rest assured that you will have your latest snapshot of backup data. If there has been damage to a primary data source and a loss of data, worst case scenario is that a full restore from the axillary site has to be initiated. Often with secondary sites, the thought process is that distance = safety. However, what must be factored in is the time it takes to return the lost data to where it needs to be. It takes a long time to move data, both from the cloud or another city. Even in this day and age, the fastest way to transport all the information for large organizations is by the truckload. Companies actually deliver their data on the back of a truck because it’s the fastest solution, that isn’t limited by bandwidth to download with.


Disaster recovery solutions are strategies and processes put in place to prepare for, respond to, and recover from events that significantly disrupt or damage a business’s IT infrastructure. The goal of disaster recovery solutions is to minimize downtime, ensure data integrity, and maintain business continuity. This involves data backup, emergency communication plans, and infrastructure recovery techniques to restore operations as quickly and efficiently as possible.

The best method for disaster recovery varies based on your organization’s size, complexity, and specific needs. However, a widely recommended approach is a hybrid disaster recovery plan.

This method combines the speed of local recovery with the security of cloud-based backup.It involves keeping a local copy of critical data for quick access in the event of minor disruptions, while also storing a backup in the cloud for more severe disasters.

The five steps for disaster recovery include:

  1. Risk Assessment and Planning: Identify potential threats and vulnerabilities, to determine the impact they could have on business operations. Develop a comprehensive plan that addresses these risks.
  2. Implementation of Backup Solutions: Implement regular backup solutions for all critical data and applications. This can include on-site backups, off-site backups, and cloud backups to ensure data is retrievable from multiple sources.
  3. Establishment of Recovery Strategies: Define clear recovery strategies for different types of disasters. This includes setting up alternate communication methods, emergency response actions, and the prioritization of system restorations.
  4. Testing and Maintenance: Regularly test the disaster recovery plan to ensure its effectiveness and make adjustments as necessary. This helps identify any weaknesses and changes needed to adapt to new threats or business changes.
  5. Training and Awareness: Ensure that all employees are trained on their roles within the disaster recovery plan. Promote awareness of the procedures to follow in the event of a disaster to ensure a coordinated and effective response.

These steps form a comprehensive framework for disaster recovery, aiming to minimize downtime, protect data integrity, and ensure business continuity in the face of disruptions.